21 Million Visitors: New Website Traffic Source

15September 2019

This website traffic source has 21 million visitors a month that you can network with and share your content with.

You can join niche-relevant groups, find likeminded people, and build a list of targeted leads.

It was founded in 2003, so it carries huge authority and has a global rank of 1,973.

Most of the traffic comes from Europe, and the platform is multi-lingual.

The most prominent languages are English and German.

56% of the traffic is direct, and 35% comes via search engines.

So lot of it is organic too.

Of that search traffic, 95% is organic.

➡️ New traffic methods:

#websitetraffic #organictraffic #webtraffic



▶ 153,090 Visitors: Get Website Traffic (Untapped Social Media Network)

▶ 651,300 Visitors: Website Traffic & Lead Generation Strategy

▶ 39 Million Visitors: Increase Targeted Traffic to Your Website

▶ 10 ways to Buy Targeted Traffic for your Website

▶ Blog: https://profitcopilot.com

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