Blogging Report (August 2019) – Organic Traffic Increase of Over 60%!

23September 2019

Blogging Report (August 2019)…Check out the full blog post here:


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Organic traffic for August 2019 came in at 218 visits which is an increase of 61.48% when comparing year-over-year. I’ve noticed a trend the past 2 years that in August when comparing month-over-month I’ve dipped down slightly and I believe this is just due to a summertime slowdown. Regardless, when looking at year-over-year comparisons, I am still way up and seeing good overall organic growth. For yourself, it’s important to identify trends like this as well so you can set expectations for you or your clients.

Moving into the fall months, I have a lot of good work on deck to increase my organic reach and exposure. I expect to see noticeable year-over-year increases with the more quality content I publish to my website. Now that I’ve been running this blog for over 3 years, more and more of my content is gaining traction within the search engines which in return is generating additional targeted traffic for my website. I want to keep the momentum going and some areas of focus moving forward will be publishing at least 4 comprehensive blog posts per month, building a handful of fresh backlinks (via guest posting/competitor research), and transcribing 4-5 videos each month on my YouTube channel. To read this report in more detail, please visit my blog post here:

I hope these blogging reports are helpful and I’ll see you on the next one!

How was your August 2019?

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