HOW TO WRITE A BLOG POST THAT CONVERTS: 10 STEPS for Beginners in 2020 | My Secret Formula

13April 2020

In this video I will show you how I write a blog post with 10 Steps that will walk you from start to finish and help you create content that converts! *Disclosure: I am are an affiliate for Bluehost, which means that I will receive a commission if you sign up through my link. But there is NO additional cost to you! Actually, Bluehost provided a special discount for my subscribers (limited time offer!).

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I have over 300 blog posts on my website and I would say that almost all of them have gathered a decent amount of shares and comments. Some even are ranking on the first page of Google! Content truly matters especially if you plan on sharing valuable information on your site and growing it into a successful online business.
But how do you write a blog post that converts? What are the dos and donts?
It’s so easy for someone to give the advice of “Just start writing” but honestly, there is so much more that you need to know about writing a blog post if you want it to get the desired conversions like sales, email and course sign-ups, and any other types of conversions on your site.
But don’t worry, in this video, I will give you a short but effective list of 10 steps you need to take to write content for your site that converts.

What You Need To Know Before Writing A Blog Post
1. Know your niche
You have to first identify what you will write about. What is your niche? Are you a fashion blogger, a tech blogger, or a travel blogger? This is important because you can’t just write about cars one day when you are a fashion blogger—people might not find that car article credible.
2. Start writing
You now have an idea of what to write about, so you can start writing your content. It is also important to know the kind of tone you plan to use. Do you plan to use a more personal approach or a factual tone? Most bloggers actually use a more personal approach and it seems like readers also prefer it that way! But it will also depend on the type of content you are writing and of course, the niche you are in.
And if you can come up with 1500-2000 words for a blog post, then I highly suggest you do it. The longer the blog post, the better. You will notice that some blog posts ranking on the first page of Google are actually at 2000-words and longer!
3. Come up with a click-worthy title
Here’s the thing: you have about 5 seconds to capture the interest of your potential readers in Google search results. This is why you should always come up with attention-grabbing, click-worthy titles. Titles are what they see first when they search about a topic in the search engine, and that is why you should gain their interest right off the bat or else they will move on to the next option. Some formats for effective titles are:
• “How to…”- did you notice that even this video starts with a how to? This is a bullet-proof way to get users to click to your article. Everyone wants a simple solution and a step by step how-to guide.
• “10 tips to…”
• “Why you should..”
The main rule of a good blog post title is tease but don’t give them the full answer right in the title.

For example, if you are writing a post in personal finance niche.

The Best Way of Saving Money by Cutting Non-Necessities
From this title, you gave away the advice your readers needed. They know what solution you are planning to offer. No need to click and open your post anyway.
One way to avoid this could be
The Best Way of Saving Money: $1,000 in 90 Days

4. Make a Captivating Introduction
You simply can’t afford a boring introduction in your article. Your first paragraph or two can make it or break it for the reader’s experience.

5. Do keyword research
This is probably one of the most important steps here: research. If you plan on ranking on Google search results, then you have to search for the best keywords to use and then look at your competitors. Search what other people are talking about and maybe even more importantly, what they are NOT talking about regarding your topic. If you find a way to make your content stand out by offering a different angle that your competitors always miss, don’t hesitate to do it—this makes your blog post more unique and people will definitely prefer your site this way. There are tons of keyword research tools you can check out to know if you would be ranking for your keyword like:
• Keyword Surfer – it’s a free Chrome browser extension
• Ubersuggest
• SEMrush and other tools
Make sure you have your keywords within your content as well as in your title!
6. Use subheadings

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