PinPinterest Real Customer Demo – Get Unlimited Pinterest Traffic Secret Strategy

28June 2020

PinPinterest Real Customer Demo – Get Unlimited Pinterest Traffic Secret Strategy.
Get your Access Now: 💰📱💲

How To Explode Your Account with Followers
The golden rule of having a lot of followers is “Engage”. The more you are engaged with your social media account the more followers you are going to have. It’s crucial to perform actions such as Pin, Follow or Schedule pins on a daily basis. That’s why we created PinPinterest to keep your account active every single day.
Make sure you have as many tasks as possible turned on in your dashboard to maximize your followers. Especially “Pin” & “Follow” as if you follow people some will follow you back and if you pin other’s content some will re-pin yours and some will follow you as a way to say “thank you”.
Here is how to configure PinPinterest to achieve a massive success on your Pinterest marketing effort:
• 1.
Link Your Pinterest Account – Login to PinPinterest and link your Pinterest account upon success your dashboard will appear right after linking your Pinterest account.
• 2.
Choose Your Actions – Go to your Dashboard and choose the actions you’d like PinPinterest to perform. Follow, Unfollow, Auto Pin, Sitemap, Schedule Pins … If you uncheck an action from your dashboard it will not be performed at all.
• 3.
Choose General Tags – From your dashbaord under “Tags” remove the default tags and enter new tags relevant to your niche, if your Pinterest account is about Travel an example of tags would be: Travel, Vacation, Holiday, Places to see Our tool uses these tags to find relevant followers for you
• 4.
Auto Pin using our Artificial Intelligence – This is a great way to get a whole lot of followers! as if enabled PinPinterest will repin relevant pins from others to your board of choice, others will see it, some will follow you as a way to say “thank you for re-pinning my content” and some will repin your pins as a way of gratitude.
To enable this feaure first check “Auto Pin” in your dashboard then scroll down to “Pin To Boards” choose a board you would like to pin to, a pop-up dialog will ask you to choose tags, these tags will be used by our algorithm when choosing what topics to pin to your board. So if your board is about wild animals an example of tags could be: Wild cats, Lions, Tigers Choosing relevant tags for each board is extremely importnat as this is how PinPinterest knows what related content to pin to each one of your boards
• 5.
Choose a Sitemap – If you have a website go to your dashboard and check “Sitemap” then scroll down to “Pin from Sitemap” choose to which board you would like PinPinterest to pin topics from your sitemap and provide your sitemap url. This is a great feature PinPinterest goes through your sitemap and pins topics from your website to your pinterest board of your choice choosing the first photo on each url as an image for the pin. Don’t have a sitemap? You can provide your homepage url and PinPinterest will crawl your site and will pin different content from it to your desired boards.
• 6.
Schedule your Pins – A great feature to add some of your own spice so that there’s always fresh content on deck. Scheduling Pins in bulk saves time and extends your reach by posting at the right time for maximum impact. To Schedule a pin check “Schedule Pins” from you dashboard, a Schedule panel will show up, there you can schedule a new pin with a click of a button, choose the url, few boards to which you would like to pin it and of course your desired time and date. You can Auto Schedule a pin only once or every day or weekend. It’s that flexible.
• 7.
Unfollow Action – If you check Unfollow at your dashboard please note that it has 2 different modes, choose the one that suits you best.
First mode unfollows only users that have been followed by PinPinterest and the second mode unfollows all users which includes users that you followed manually and users that PinPinterest followed.
In both modes unfollow occurs 5 days after the user was followed, this gives the user enough time to notice that you followed him so he can decide whether to follow you back.
• 8.
Start PinPinterest – You are all set! Don’t forget to hit the “START” button on your dashboard. from this point you can close your browser, turn off your PC and go on a long vacation. PinPinterest will work hard for you to make your account grow big.
• 9.
Any changes? Want to add tags to your boards, check/uncheck action from your dashboard, simply do it, there is no need to restart the service (press the stop and then the start button). PinPinterest is smart enough to get any little change without restarting.

PinPinterest Real Customer Demo – Get Unlimited Pinterest Traffic Secret Strategy. Get your access now: 💰📱💲

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